For over two decades Trevor and Lorena have collected and have been honoured with over 20 international awards.
Most recently Trevor and Lorena took to the road to compete for gold in the World Magic Seminar Convention’s "International Competition" held in Las Vegas Nevada. Juried competitors, invited by the World Magic Seminar’s Board of Directors, were chosen to represent eight countries from around the world and gathered to compete for the coveted Siegfried and Roy’s Golden Lions Head Award.
The best of the best talent from Japan, Korea, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Canada and the USA delivered top notch performances that garnered the recognition and accolades from the most seasoned professionals in the Las Vegas entertainment business.
Each competitor wowed the audience with their unique style and expertise that resulted in a show paralleled to Olympic proportion. Winners of the "Golden Lions Head" People’s Choice award went to the Canadian contingent, Trevor and Lorena Watters.
In the 34 years of the World Magic Seminar, Trevor and Lorena are the third Canadians to bring this world renown award to Canada. They have now opened their show to the world and are currently excepting bookings overseas.