Tim Fanning is a dedicated, professional and experienced Celtic musician. He plays regularly with both the Vancouver Police Pipe Band and the traditional Celtic Music group Ballyhooley.
Tim has travelled the world, playing
International Music Festivals, such as
the Royal Edinburgh and Nanchang
Tattoos. He regularly plays for special
events throughout the lower mainland,
piping in the guests of honour including
Mayors, Premiers, Prime Minsters,
visiting Royalty and Heads of State. Tim
also performs regularly at Irish pubs,
corporate events, private parties,
weddings and celebrations of life.
Music career highlights:
•Playing for the changing of the guard at
Buckingham Palace and Windsor
•Piping with the rock band The Odds, in
front of a packed arena and a live TV
audience of six million hockey fans at
the beginning of the Canucks 2011
Stanley Cup run.
•Tim also appeared as the piper, in the
Canadian TV Film “The Life” staring
Bruce Greenwood.
•He played with the most travelled and
recorded Irish band in history, the
Chieftains, on stage at the QE Theatre.
Tim has also enjoyed recording and musical collaborations with many talented local musicians, including The Vancouver Welsh Men’s Choir, Blackthorn, The Paperboys, The Odds and The Townpants.