With an insatiable desire to create and inspire, Indie-Folk singer and songwriter Stephen Spender combines his signature gruff yet melodic vocal stylings with playful lyricism. Stephen is carving out a name for himself for his keen ability to convey
reflection, tenderness and nostalgia.
Stylistically, it’s a strong nod to roots music. His compositions often pivot around quintessential folk themes of letting go and hardship, though is not without a positive undercurrent of hope.
London-born, Canadian-bred, it was choirs, musicals and theatre that propelled Stephen's life into a series of musically dictated chapters. A narrowly missed big break in his acting career inspired Stephen to focus on his solo music career, which led to the artist busking full time.
Stephen has landed himself notable gigs and film sync placements in recent years. He busked in the Granville Island Summer Program from
2009 to 2015, played all over western Canada, UK, Europe and the Maritimes, and has even opened for the Arkells in Saskatchewan, Canada.
He’s also had several songs used in short films and features including Galveston, Chasing Evel: The Robbie Knievel Story, Rabbit), and is sitting on a discography of four studio albums, two of which were
produced by Juno-nominated producer, David Meszaros.