Survivor Elders, Thelma and Arthur Stogan are part of the Musqueam people. Both are well-respected and knowledgeable elders within their nation. Their grand-daughter, Felecia is a singer and drummer, and often accompanies them to perform a traditional indigenous song after the territorial blessing.
The Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) people have lived in our traditional territory, what is currently called Vancouver and the surrounding areas, for thousands of years. Some of the ancient histories describe the landscape as it was over eight thousand years ago.
The Musqueam nations ceremonial tradition includes sweeping with cedar to clear away negative energy. Before the ceremonial session, in the morning cedar boughs are gathered in the forest, the room is swept from front to back and then the cedar is discarded back into the woods at the end of the day.
Elders Thelma and Arthur Stogan require a podium and microphone for the territorial welcome and ceremonial blessing. Thelma and her brother Arthur will share with the audience the Musqueam traditions and practices. By request, the blessing can also include drumming and singing by their granddaughter, Felicia Stogan.