Dalannah Gail Bowen is a 76 year old Afro-Canadian Cherokee force of nature. She is a prolific singer, songwriter, actress, play writer, story teller, event producer, social activist, International Memphis Blues Awards semi-finalist (2017) and a Blues Hall of Fame Master Blues Artist (2015). There are many faces and many personalities to Vancouver based blues singer Dalannah. All of those personalities have something in common – a spark, joy, determination and a fire inside. Dalannah has been music-making for over forty years in the Canadian blues, rock and soul scene.
In 2017 she was awarded "The Key to The City" and Dec. 11th was officially declared "Dalannah Gail Bowen Day" by the Mayor and Council of Vancouver, B.C. In November 2019 Dalannah reaffirmed her status as the 'Matriarch' of the Vancouver Blues scene with the release of her newest recording titled "In My Own Words". This CD, featuring an impressive cast of esteemed West Coast Blues performers and sidemen is a collection of sixteen original songs.
In 2020 when Covid -19 shut down the music industry, she developed a special tribute to one of her favourite influencers, Billie Holiday. Together with writing partner and arranger, Michael Creber a lovely little show made the rounds in the few places available and finally in July of 2021 they were invited to perform a full band version for the Vancouver Jazz Festival. Dalannah has also performed at The Squamish Wind Festival, The Heart of the City festival in Vancouver and the Fort Langley Arts & Jazz Festival.
In November 2021 Dalannah was nominated for the very prestigious Maple Blues “Life Time Achievement” award. Meanwhile she has gigs and concerts and Festival appearances scheduled into late summer 2022 but even with all the music demands on her time she has still been very active and vocal about issues she has espoused for more than 50 years. Shelter for the homeless and social housing; the wasteful and destructive behaviours destroying our environment, imminent climate change action and indigenous issues especially the “Missing Women Campaign.
Dalannah Gail Bowen has been called “Our Matriarch of the Blues” and a “force of nature”. Seems about right so far.