CHRIS WELLS Lil'wat Nation Elder

Qaqáwam (“Young Wolf”), Chris Wells is of the Grizzly and Black Bear Clans in the Lil’wat Nation, St’at’imc Nation. Chris is a spiritual leader and carries the teachings he learned from many St’at’imc Elders from past and present. In his youth, Chris travelled the world to sing and dance. Some of his life experience includes serving two terms on Council for his Nation and supporting the local secondary school as a Cultural Support worker. Chris currently works as Cultural Lead for the Medicine Our Way program at Southern Stl’atl’imx Health Society to bring cultural and healthy living teachings like puberty training, sweat lodge, and hunting camps to the families and youth of N’Quatqua, Samahquam, Skatin Nation and Xa’xtsa (Douglas). His passion is to share his knowledge with the next generations to ensure that it carries on through them.