The Rangers include the following:
EVENT GREETING: welcome, event hype, quick
interactions, photo ops, traffic flow, any
event message/house keeping, set event tone
ROVING COMEDY: The Rangers will rove, giving
select guests novelty "citation" tickets for a wide
range of infractions, such as:
- wearing a colours that may anger a bear
- inappropriate footwear for wilderness
- too good-looking - may attract cougars
- failing to string up food to tree
WRAP UP: The Forest Rangers award the biggest
stand-outs among the guests with the title of
CHFR (Canadian Honorary Forest Ranger) and
guide them through a short but hilarious "oath
of office" ceremony, and hand them their own
Forest Ranger hats.
The Canadian Forest Rangers are original Canadian characters created to be perfect ambassadors for high- profile event programs set in the unique beauty of west coast Canada.
They come with a roster of excellent ice-breaking and team building content options, delivered with the skill of the seasoned
actor/emcee performers who play the rangers.
These roving characters finally give Canadian event planners the perfect option to replace Mounted Police characters, who have gradually become a less appropriate choice to welcome groups of diversity from the US and around the world. Instead of humour based on arrests or security, the rangers bring guests together with kinder, more positive humour.
Ranger Rusty Pines and Ranger Leif E. Green will greet guests in their authentic uniforms- breaking the ice with snappy one-liners and dynamic interaction. Their job at your event is to find from among your guests three new recruits to the Canadian Forest Rangers, swear them in at the end of the program and award
them with their Canadian Forest Ranger Hats.